An everyday mother’s review on the Avent manual breast pump.

“I make milk, what’s your super power?”

First time I was pregnant I went a little overboard buying baby things. Not saying it’s a bad thing but I have learned from my mistakes and also learned from other experienced moms.

Honestly, many of these things you don’t really need. I have had quite a bit of experience with different baby products and now with my second child, let me just say I have saved a lot. Mainly because I was lucky enough to have 2 boys and reused most of what I bought for my first boy Conor but also I knew what I was looking for.

First pregnancy I looked into getting a breast pump. I decided to get a cheap electric one. Unfortunately my experience with this particular brand wasn’t very good. It was leaky, loud! and just didn’t work for me. It was so much hassle every time I had to set it up and as we were about to travel to Ireland it just wasn’t the right thing for me at that time.

Second pregnancy I did some online research. I decided to try a manual breast pump as we will be travelling a lot to visit our families in Ireland and Denmark and other places. Its just more convenient for me with one that doesn’t need to be hooked up with anything. I needed something small, easy and efficient!

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It can be very confusing finding the right product when there’s so many different brands on the market. This time I chose to go with a totally different brand. My first pump was closer to nature, usually I really like their products but this electric pump just wasn’t working for me. I used their feeding bottles with my first born, I loved the design, they were easy for Conor to hold and easy to clean.

I decided to try out Avent as recommendations lead me in that direction. I’ve never before now used any of Avents products. I bought my Avent manual breast pump on Amazon via this link for a great price and it was delivered right to my doorstep within 2 weeks, yay!

breast pump mine

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What I like about this breast pump is there are only 5 parts in total which makes it super easy to assemble, take apart and clean before and after use. Its simple and straight forward to handle. Very comfortable to use.

You soon learn how precious your breastmilk is after becoming a new mom. I try everything not to waste it. I usually pump the other breast while breastfeeding so I won’t lose those valuable drops. If you’re lucky enough to have a date night out you’ll be so thankful of the breastmilk in your freezer!

Some people think that a manual breast pump is hard work and that you have to pump constantly, but I find that I just pump a few times and hold the handle in and the milk flows. I was very surprised at how much milk I was able to express and how quickly! I’m usually pumping 1 or 2 times in a day morning and evening if I know I will be needing it. And usually fill a 125ml bottle with it. This pump doesn’t leak either like my previous one! It’s in an affordable price range too, what more can a breastfeeding mom ask for?

I got these storage containers for storage of breastmilk. I’m also intending to use them to store baby food when that time comes. I find them absolutely great! Philips AVENT Breast Milk Storage Cups, 6 Ounce (Pack of 5) or Philips AVENT Breast Milk Storage Cups, 6 Ounce (Pack of 10) depending on how much milk you’re looking to store.

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I’m recommending this avent manual breast pump to you mums as I’ve had and have a great experience with it and want to pass on my knowledge, mom to mom. I hope you also will find it awesome!

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